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Forum Name: Louis L'Amour Discussion Forum
Topic ID: 7461
Posted by john555 on 04-04-21 at 08:46 AM
Beau, it looks to me like TWD was published about four years before you dad passed. In the Author's Note at the end, he writes that he intended two or more sequels. Is there more about this in any of the Lost Treasure volumes?

Posted by blamour on 04-07-21 at 12:50 PM
In response to message #0
Yes. Using several sets of his notes I put together a quite complete outline for book two. The plans for book three, however, were left pretty sketchy.

Posted by john555 on 04-08-21 at 11:38 AM
In response to message #1
Would your outline be found in the Lost Treasure version of the "The Walking Drum" or in one of the other LT volumes? (Ever have one of those days when your fingers just don't want to type a single word correctly? Just a rhetorical question.)

Posted by blamour on 04-08-21 at 05:52 PM
In response to message #2
LAST EDITED ON 04-08-21 AT 05:57 PM (Pacific Time)
The material for each of the LT stories is in the book that contains that story.

Click on the banner at the top of this page and you'll be taken to the LT website which should give you a better idea of how things are organized. LT Vol 1 & 2 are UNPUBLISHED material and the history behind it. Same with No Traveller Returns.

The LT Postscripts to the well known books (about 30 of them) tells the story behind the story or other interesting details. I try to not put out an LT Postscript unless I think it worth your while.

The LT website has further unreleased information, all sorts of bits that weren't complete enough for me to include as a Postscript or in Volume 1 or 2. There's a lot of stuff to look through, but it is the material that didn't "make the grade."

Interestingly, I've run into a number of people who complain about "having to buy" the LT books all over again to get the new stuff ... yet they will not even go to the website to look around at the free material there or order the LT books at their local library. People are truly odd and will complain about anything these days!

Posted by john555 on 04-08-21 at 07:36 PM
In response to message #3
LAST EDITED ON 04-08-21 AT 08:18 PM (Pacific Time)
Well, you know what they say about some people and a new rope.

As for me, most of the LL books I have now are my second time buy. I have no idea what happened to all of my first copies but, I do remember when I started reading LL. It was my freshman year in college when a roommate showed me one of your dad's books that he was reading. I don't remember what my first read was, but your dad grew on me over time. Until about five years ago, I had just waited and picked up his new novels and collections as they were published. It was when I set out to read all of his books that I found myself buying my second copy of a lot of his books because I found that my first copy had gone somewhere by the way. And now, based on your previous note, I've bought my second copy of "The Walking Drum" out of curiosity about the plans LL had for sequels.

Posted by john555 on 04-15-21 at 07:01 PM
In response to message #3
Just received the Lost Treasures edition of “The Walking Drum”. Your comment that it was “an overnight success a quarter of a century in the making” is true for many artists. I don’t think we fans always appreciate what it takes for an artist to reach the level LL did. Also, your dad was a machine. “60 days 700 typ. Pages”? My wife and I visited Hemingway’s house in Key West a long time ago, and were shown the room where he worked. We were told that each day Hemingway would go there and not leave the room until he had written at least 1 page. OMG.