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Forum URL: https://www.louislamour.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Louis L'Amour Discussion Forum
Topic ID: 7496
#0, Hello the fire!
Posted by Mike Shaffer on 12-03-21 at 04:28 PM
Had to begin again…forgot my sign in stuff.

Not much new to report…last I heard TD was not feeling too well, and haven’t seen anything else…good or bad.

Personal news…I will be moving to a place in Florida called The Village in the near future…not to be confused with The Villages, which is nearby. It’s a tall building with lots of old folks…act surprised. I’m sitting here in the dark, so I won’t go into any current reading adventures, but have cut back from three books at a time to one. Retirement screws everything up, but not as bad as the pandemic. Sitting around the house contemplating ain’t exactly my way, but here we are. My cat, Storm, seems content to be house bound, in lieu of traveling backroads across the U.S. between the U.S. Canada snd Mexico. Storm seemed to enjoy the adventures we got into…although she was a bit too curious about a mooing cow, and I had to catch her mid leap. It used to be fun to sort of ease over into Mexico or Canada, but they’ve tightened the borders in more recent history, so you sorta have to stay on the beaten path…sorta. Had a place In California for a year or so, but decided Florida and Pennsylvania suited old Mike better.

Sharon now lives with her daughter in Virginia, so I have to be content with visits a few times a year. She turned 80 and is doing pretty good. Not much new to report…currently reading THE FERGUSON RIFLE for I forget how many times.

Still searching for someone new to read, but always fall back to Louis and E.S. Gardner and his pen names…A.A. Fair is my second favorite after LL.…the detective team of Cool snd Lam. Bertha Cool is the muscle and Donald Lam the brains…and Lam always seems to get beat up.

Anyway… all y’all stay safe, healthy and well read.

#1, RE: Hello the fire!
Posted by Les Down Under on 12-05-21 at 02:38 PM
In response to message #0
Welcome back to the Forum Mike. Luck with your shift, it will be interesting to see how Storm deals with hi rise living.

The English Language is weird. It can be understood through tough thorough thought though.

#2, RE: Hello the fire!
Posted by Mike Shaffer on 12-05-21 at 07:31 PM
In response to message #1
Yes, fortunately there are nice windows for her to sit in, but no balconies. And there is some sort of cleaning service too, which should help the old guy and his cat out. There is a library and movie theater in the building too…not sure about the age of the movies yet, but I’ve met a couple of neighbors who were actually from the neighborhood I now live in, so that’s a plus. It should be interesting. The only downside is no garage…just a parking lot, but there is a bus to get back and forth to shopping, and food is also included in the rent…there is a nice restaurant style dining area too, and you can take or have meals delivered. Lots of ladies in the building, from what they tell me. I ain’t sure how good the library is, but will check it out…I have plenty of duplicate LL reading material I can donate, if they lack good reading.

Oh well, just saw the time…later.

#3, RE: Hello the fire!
Posted by Mike Shaffer on 12-07-21 at 04:13 PM
In response to message #0
Well that was interesting. I’ve been having trouble logging in to various sites today, but no problem here…thankfully. Not sure what has gone off the rail…could be me or some sites don’t like what I’ve had to say or a combination of the two. Funny how cowards stick together.. Problem is their attitude proves I am right about a few things. Guess I’ll lay low for a little while. Funny thing is the sites seem more concerned about what I didn’t say than what I did. Sort of points out why monopolies were made more difficult…and not difficult enough in some quarters in this century.