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Forum URL: https://www.louislamour.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Louis L'Amour Discussion Forum
Topic ID: 7424
#0, Howdy!
Posted by Mike Shaffer on 10-08-20 at 10:41 AM
Sitting here by the dining room window wondering what to say...and what to read next. Problem is I have to get up. One library is in the space between living and dining room, and the other is in the office...and there is a third in Storm’s room. Storm is my cat, who likes to sleep in my lap while I read in the chair or on my chest if I lay in bed. She’s very annoying, but puts up with me.

Anyway...a few musing follow.

I haven’t read FLINT for awhile, haven’t checked out Lost Treasures for a week or so, and that seems like the logical place to start. FLINT seems to be my go to book. So much so I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve read it. There are several older novels I haven’t read in awhile like THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO or TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD,, but LL’s novels are like old friends and at my age in these times...

It’s still weird to see folks walking up the street alone gesturing as if in conversation. I guess I will never get used to modern phones.

Where was I...oh...wait one. Picked a leatherette at random. And YONDERING it is. Seems appropriate somehow, since I am forced to stay in place.

#1, RE: Howdy!
Posted by Les Down Under on 10-08-20 at 12:39 PM
In response to message #0
Mike are you in a compulsory or voluntary lockdown, to be forced to be in one place? Or is it a health issue?

Nothing better than your personal library to see one through enforced imprisonment . I was allowed out for medical and essential shopping but books, internet, and DVDs saw me through and lockdown is just a distant memory.

Stay Safe.

Every sixty seconds you spend angry, upset or mad, is a full minute of happiness you'll never get back..

#2, RE: Howdy!
Posted by Mike Shaffer on 10-08-20 at 07:07 PM
In response to message #1
LAST EDITED ON 10-08-20 AT 07:09 PM (Pacific Time)
No, the governor has promised no lockdown. We do wear masks when out of our homes. Schools aren’t on lockdown currently. Some businesses are open with restrictions. Restaurants are open with outdoor seating and distancing. Hotels and motels are open at 50 percent capacity. The one thing I have had trouble with is remembering the mask when I leave the car. My youngest son wears his in the car in California, where he lives. His husband is a personal trainer, and was injured just before things got crazy. I haven’t checked recently, but they are doing good so far. The oldest son and his wife work primarily from home...they work for Florida colleges, so not a lot of change there, but I am not sure how that will effect most of the colleges in the State. I will have to check with my daughter in-law, who is a teacher, to see how it will effect her and my grandson. Our granddaughter was set to start college, and I’m not certain how she is impacted. Oldest son said it is restricting in some ways if he needs to actually go to or get something from the college. They say based on past pandemics this is expected to last from 18 to 24 months.

#3, RE: Howdy!
Posted by Les Down Under on 10-08-20 at 07:13 PM
In response to message #2
LAST EDITED ON 10-08-20 AT 07:15 PM (Pacific Time)
Thanks for that info Mike, Stay Safe.
I see a lot of stuff around California where masks are worn in cars, possibly because it is easier just to leave the flaming thing on as opposed to taking it on and off.

Every sixty seconds you spend angry, upset or mad, is a full minute of happiness you'll never get back..

#4, RE: Howdy!
Posted by epeterd on 10-11-20 at 00:06 AM
In response to message #3
I live in Georgia and I hate wearing a mask. Fortunately it's only needed if I go into stores. There's no State mask mandate. I don't have to wear one at work either. What's nice is I work all by myself at night, so there's no need for one since I never see anyone. I can't imagine living in California or one of the other states that is being so draconian.


#5, RE: Howdy!
Posted by epeterd on 10-11-20 at 00:10 AM
In response to message #0
I just finished The Man Called Noon early Saturday morning. These days I do most of my reading at work. I'm not sure what I will read next. Recently I have been alternating between Louis L'Amour books and those by other authors. I haven't decided what's next yet.
I occasionally see someone here in Georgia wearing a mask while driving. I really don't understand that. I'm not sure how they expect to get infected in their own car. I even saw a guy about a month ago with his window down and wearing a mask while driving. Not sure what he expects to get from the fresh air. Haha


#14, RE: Howdy!
Posted by john555 on 12-04-20 at 07:12 AM
In response to message #5
I'm working on Sitka now. Does anyone know if LL spent time in Alaska? It sounds like he was. Anyway, I also go back and forth with other authors. I really liked Robert Parker. He wrote the Spenser detective series. Some of the ones in the middle were a little weak but still good overall. There was a TV series based on Spenser years ago called "Spenser for Hire". Parker also wrote a series based on a guy named Jesse Stone. Tom Selleck has made nine Jesse Stone TV movies that are pretty good. Some were based on Parker's novels. Some of the later movies were written by Selleck and his producer (I think) but kept pretty true to the character. I think Selleck did it with Parker's blessing. I also like the Jack Reacher novels by Lee Child.

#6, RE: Howdy!
Posted by Tennessee Dave on 11-07-20 at 08:52 PM
In response to message #0
LAST EDITED ON 11-07-20 AT 08:54 PM (Pacific Time)
Ain't life grand.😊...there's no place like home. Of course there's mom and sis around and a cat and a dog.
So I guess I've got it pretty good. That is if I can ever get used to this darned dyalisis. It really wears me out. But on the good side, it makes it easy to hang out here at the house.
Mike, I hope you like your own company. 😁.....you and storm that is.

#7, RE: Howdy!
Posted by Mike Shaffer on 11-07-20 at 10:41 PM
In response to message #6
Just moved to West Virginia...long long day. Looking forward to living on a mountain...cool mountain air and family. Dead tired, but it feels good. Storm and I have an entire floor to ourselves...and I can already smell the coffee brewing.

#8, RE: Howdy!
Posted by Tennessee Dave on 11-08-20 at 03:34 PM
In response to message #7
Sounds good, boy'o! Being with family is so very important. It'll be even better when you learn the area. Why just as soon as you learn where wally-world is, it'll be sweet.Lol
My brother still goes to visit his daughter in Blacksburg; guess he stay there for good.
Take care and hope you get used to it okay.

#9, RE: Howdy!
Posted by Mike Shaffer on 11-14-20 at 11:15 PM
In response to message #8
Hey TD,

It's been fun, but heading back in a day or two. Also looking at moving to the Orlando area. I thought it might be good to be closer to retirees like me. My son and I will be exploring the area between Orlando and Tampa, but close to Tampa, in the coming days and weeks.

Sometimes, it's funny when you reach the age of what just happened. People, well some people, make life much more complex that it is or that it needs to be. It would be funny if they were old like me, but it's folks a decade or two before retirement who haven't a clue about life, and a history to prove it.

Several things happened during my time in the Army that are funny and almost cringe worthy...being offered a purple heart for needing stiches to close a wound, when I forgot to duck entering a radio room in Nam to answer a distress call...it knocked me on my butt. When the Colonel's driver approached me I thought he was joking and laughed, but he informed me it was no joke. Well, yes it was. Anyway, I turned it down, so they awarded me an ACM. Funny thing was the driver was later wounded and continued to unload a truck during a Viet Cong attack. He earned his purple heart and bronze star. Someone recently asked me what I had done to be awarded the Commendation ..."Beats the hell out of me." Doing my job, and fifty plus years later I still don't get it. The military often goes out of its way to prove how ridiculous it can be...or people of all ranks and privilege in it do. I remember someone after finding out I had an ACM was making fun of it recently and I walked away thinking, "Bud, if you only knew." My Uncle was in an Army unit during WWII in the Pacific that was attached to a Marine unit. He earned every danged medal he was awarded, so to me accepting something for what I did was ridiculous...and still is.

#10, RE: Howdy!
Posted by Falcon on 11-15-20 at 01:37 PM
In response to message #9
LAST EDITED ON 11-15-20 AT 01:38 PM (Pacific Time)
My dad (101st Airborne, Korean Conflict veteran) taught me not to dispute traffic violations, even if I wasn't guilty of that particular offense, because "you probably didn't get a ticket that you deserved, some other time".
You very likely deserved a commendation for things you DID, but nobody ever knew.
You seem like that kind of guy.
There's a kind of correlation there, to me.


#11, RE: Howdy!
Posted by Tennessee Dave on 11-15-20 at 08:03 PM
In response to message #9
LAST EDITED ON 11-15-20 AT 08:04 PM (Pacific Time)
Mike, trying to make sense of things is an amazing trip. Some things do bare examination but others certainly deserve nothing more than a "hum" and a raising of the eyebrows. Especially when you DO get older. I've seen so many older people contemplate the past from their easy chair and I'll admit it is interesting, to say the least.
I know it's cliche but hindsight is 2020. Maybe ... ah,well, where is my sprite zero.
Get back to you.

#12, RE: Howdy!
Posted by Mike Shaffer on 11-16-20 at 06:53 AM
In response to message #11
lol...thanks TD, I needed that. Tomorrow I am headed back to Floriduh from West Virginia. Will start house hunting toward Disney without venturing too far from my son. Storm and I don’t need all the room we have now in this 3 BR rancher.

#13, RE: Howdy!
Posted by Tennessee Dave on 11-17-20 at 02:07 PM
In response to message #12
Kinda nice popping around the country, HEH. I'm in need of a serious trip. It's just that all my relatives are scared silly of this virus. I'm not going to convince them of my precautions ,so what the heck.

#15, RE: Howdy!
Posted by john555 on 12-04-20 at 07:25 AM
In response to message #9
One day my XO explained medals and commendations to me like this. Your military boss can't give out bonuses or raises for performance. Medals, commendations and good performance evaluations are all they have to recognize effort. These are also the things that help a guy move up in the ranks. And, that's about the only way to get a halfway decent raise.