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Forum URL: https://www.louislamour.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Louis L'Amour Discussion Forum
Topic ID: 7442
#0, Storm
Posted by Mike Shaffer on 11-24-20 at 07:09 PM
Anyone else sleep with a cat? Dang she puts my legs to sleep. My dogs all curled beside me. This is my first cat. We’ve been together for a decade and I’ve given up hope of remembering not to lay down and read or type. She curls up on my thigh and I can’t feel a danged thing after twenty minutes or so.. She’s got her own doggone room and a queen size bed...oh there she goes. Whew!

#1, RE: Storm
Posted by john555 on 11-29-20 at 08:07 PM
In response to message #0
Growing up, we had a female cat AND dogs. One was a German shepherd. One day the shepherd walked by the cat sitting on the arm of the couch. She reached out with her front claws and grabbed his snout just enough to make him freeze. She gave him about three licks with her tongue and then let him go on his way. My wife and I had a couple of cats we picked up in Korea and brought home. One was very gentle and liked to sit on my lap with my legs crossed until my leg went completely asleep. That was painful. We have four now with one fat, little female who likes to sleep at times right by my head. My wife told me once that is an indication of how much the cat trusts you.

#2, RE: Storm
Posted by Mike Shaffer on 12-01-20 at 04:29 PM
In response to message #1
We always had dogs...usually boxers with championship lines going back about a hundred years. Growing up I used to care for my neighbors cats, but never wanted one. I pulled Storm out of a tree when she was a kitten. Before I knew it she moved in.

#3, RE: Storm
Posted by john555 on 12-04-20 at 07:31 AM
In response to message #2
It just occurred to me to ask. How the HECK did you train Storm to ride in a car? Those cats we got in Korea would ride in a car. The one who later would put my lap to sleep had to ride right on my shoulder in the car. But all our other cats have never seemed able to stand it.

#4, RE: Storm
Posted by Mike Shaffer on 12-05-20 at 09:52 AM
In response to message #3
I didn’t. After pulling her out of a tree when she was a kitten she began showing up in my yard every day, and before I knew it she had moved in. So, rather than leave her behind I put her in the car along with her kennel in the passenger seat and her enclosed litter box thing in the back seat. At first I stopped at every rest stop or at fast food restaurant. When I returned to the car she’d be on the floor under the steering wheel, so I had to be careful opening the door. Eventually, she was confident I would be returning and would look out the passenger or driver-side window for me. She has a fascination with cows that began at a friend’s house who owned a ranch/farm where cows would walk up and peer in the windows. On backroads I would often pull off the road, so she could see the cattle up close, but that ended when one mooed and Storm leapt out the car window. Catching her in midair, it was decided no more open windows and cows.

#5, RE: Storm
Posted by john555 on 12-05-20 at 04:03 PM
In response to message #4
Funny story. You must have pretty quick reflexes. Thx for sharing.