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Forum URL: https://www.louislamour.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Louis L'Amour Discussion Forum
Topic ID: 7454
#0, If only we could all win Lotto and
Posted by Les Down Under on 01-28-21 at 05:45 PM
There's a discussion starting on a Face Book site that wanted a Mini Series on Barnabus so I suggested something that I have been daydreaming of for some time.

The DVD “The Sacketts” gives us 2 x 3 hour episodes from two books. On this principal I’ve estimated the total hours for each season.

Season One 15 Hours
Sacketts Land
To the Far Blue Mountains
Warriors Path
Jubal Sackett
Ride the River
Expand after Ride the River with Back stories of Falcon and Colborn (Preparing for Lando and Treasure Mountain.)

Season two 18 Hours
The Daybreakers
Mustang Man
Mohave Crossing
The Sackett Brand

Season Three 18 Hours.
The Lonely Men
The Skyliners
Treasure Mountain
Lonely on the Mountain
Ride the Dark Trail
It's up to the screen writers to meld the stories within the known timelines and the cross references in the stories themselves. If only we could get someone to help get the project off the line.

The next major would be to cast the complete family.

Every sixty seconds you spend angry, upset or mad, is a full minute of happiness you'll never get back..

#1, RE: If only we could all win Lotto
Posted by epeterd on 01-29-21 at 07:38 AM
In response to message #0
That would be great. If only.


#2, RE: If only we could all win Lotto
Posted by Les Down Under on 01-29-21 at 07:15 PM
In response to message #1

Every sixty seconds you spend angry, upset or mad, is a full minute of happiness you'll never get back..

#3, RE: If only we could all win Lotto
Posted by john555 on 02-12-21 at 02:56 PM
In response to message #0
I've never seen it mentioned but, when we look for timelines, it should be considered that some of the novels could be set in or about the same time. I would especially suggest that "Mustang Man" and "Sackett" could fall into this situation. "The Lonely Men" could be concurrent with "The Skyliners" and/or "Galloway". And, "Ride the Dark Trail" and "Treasure Mountain" could take place around the same time. I don't think any of these would have a "conflict of characters" if you will.