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Forum URL: https://www.louislamour.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Louis L'Amour Discussion Forum
Topic ID: 7459
#0, Beau, Cowboy G-Men
Posted by Les Down Under on 03-12-21 at 01:50 PM
Beau was this the series that Louis was involved in from the start?


Every sixty seconds you spend angry, upset or mad, is a full minute of happiness you'll never get back..

#1, RE: Beau, Cowboy G-Men
Posted by blamour on 03-17-21 at 05:13 PM
In response to message #0
No. Desperate for money because of the decline in pulp magazine publication shots, Dad pitched them several stories. Some had been published some not. Some were made, some were not.