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Forum URL: https://www.louislamour.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Louis L'Amour Discussion Forum
Topic ID: 7460
#0, Kilenny
Posted by cowboybilliards on 04-03-21 at 05:55 PM
Paul has his history incorrect. Kilkenny's list should go:
#1 - The Rider of Lost Creek
#2 - The Mountain Valley War
#3 - Kilkenny

The reason for all of this, is just follow Nita..
He met her in #1, She followed him in #2 (says so in the book), and then Kilkenny follows where Nita and Kilkenny have finally found peace.

Check it out.

Yes, there are short stories that follow in between, but the #1 - #3 is correct. I can prove it.

#1, RE: Kilenny
Posted by john555 on 04-04-21 at 08:37 AM
In response to message #0
I believe you have it right. You've noticed the same thing I've seen with the Sackett stories. Some are really out of order in the chronological lists on this website and in "The Sackett Companion".

It makes it a more interesting re-read when you put them all in the right order.