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Forum URL: https://www.louislamour.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Louis L'Amour Discussion Forum
Topic ID: 7464
#0, Louislamourpage Facebook Hacked
Posted by Paul on 04-13-21 at 08:53 AM
Our Facebook Louis L'Amour page has been hacked and hijacked. Starting on April 7th we were locked out of the account and then beginning on the 10th or so, someone else began posting to the Louis L'Amour Page. We are very sorry for this disruption. We have been working trying to get Facebook to recognize and reverse this but it is a difficult process. There is no one to call, and the online links seem to lead in a circular route which gets us nowhere. We do have people at Penguin Random House and others who have connections at Facebook trying to help us.

You might be able to help if you would go to the page facebook.com/louislamourpage and comment letting the hijackers know you are aware.

I was able to post some comments as follows:
This is NOT the Louis L'Amour people posting this! This page has been hijacked and they are trying to get it resolved but please beware!!

However, because apparently there is a limit to the number of posts you can do in a short amount of time, my personal account has been locked out of commenting. If you could selectively post a few (4 or 5) similar messages at the top of the obviously NON-LOUIS posts on the page, we'd appreciate it.

Please don't unfriend or leave the page. We need your help to get this resolved.


Paul O'Dell

#1, RE: Louislamourpage Facebook Hacked
Posted by Les Down Under on 04-14-21 at 08:28 PM
In response to message #0
Only problem is I have to restrain my language in print

The English Language is weird. It can be understood through tough thorough thought though.