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Forum URL: https://www.louislamour.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Louis L'Amour Discussion Forum
Topic ID: 7467
Posted by john555 on 05-12-21 at 04:42 PM
Any history buffs out there who have been following this show on the History Channel? For those not familiar with it, the two Lagina brothers from Michigan were inspired by an article in the Readers Digest about 60 years ago about a buried treasure on Oak Island which is located up near Nova Scotia. The show has followed these two guys' search for the last eight years.

The reason I bring it up here is that in the last few years they have found numerous artifacts which are pretty convincing proof that there were activities taking place on Oak Island by Europeans long before Columbus' trip in 1492. Near the end of this past season, they found a piece of wood which looks like a piece of a ship's railing that is scientifically dated between 660 and 770. A single piece of ship's railing could be a fluke but they have made other finds going back to the 1200' that cannot be a fluke.

In many of his books, LL wrote into the story that explorers had been coming to North America for a long time before Columbus. Like I said, for history buffs it's been a fun watch. Anyone interested can catch up if they have the ability to stream shows. It looks like all of the past episodes are available.