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Forum URL: https://www.louislamour.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Louis L'Amour Discussion Forum
Topic ID: 7506
#0, Elisha Comes to Red Horse
Posted by epeterd on 08-25-22 at 02:34 AM
Just read this again. (read it once before a few years ago) Fun little story, a bit humorous. A little different than LL's stories usually were. I can't remember offhand any others that were a bit humorous, though I'm sure there are some. It's in The End of the Drive, and also in the Short Stories collection volume 1, for anyone who hasn't read it.


#1, RE: Elisha Comes to Red Horse
Posted by blamour on 08-25-22 at 01:08 PM
In response to message #0
It's sort of a sequel to Fallon, also fairly light hearted.

#2, RE: Elisha Comes to Red Horse
Posted by epeterd on 08-31-22 at 02:16 AM
In response to message #1
I think I've read Fallon at some point, but it wasn't anytime recently and I don't remember it. I'll have to put it on my list to read soon.
