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Forum URL: https://www.louislamour.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Louis L'Amour Discussion Forum
Topic ID: 7513
#0, The Proving Trail
Posted by kentd on 12-15-22 at 02:01 PM
I recently finished reading “The Proving Trail” and very much enjoyed it. However, I was left wondering about what appeared to be some unresolved issues. The first is the girl’s warning to watch out for “the blond one”. Later in the story, Kearney avoids a man who is blond, but there are no other references to this mysterious person that I recall. It seems that at the end of the book this person is still unaccounted for.

The second issue is the map that Kearney finds in his father’s papers and sews to the back of his jacket. Once again, a mysterious reference that is not mentioned again.

If I missed something, I would appreciate someone pointing out my error. However, when you combine the above unresolved issues (if they are) with Delphine surviving the final reckoning, then I have to wonder if Mr. L’Amour was thinking of a sequel that never came to be.
