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Forum URL: https://www.louislamour.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Louis L'Amour Discussion Forum
Topic ID: 7523
#0, Formerly known as Unknown Sackett
Posted by 3rdGen on 08-19-23 at 06:38 PM

I've been a member here for years.

I've used the handle Unknown Sackett, but for some time now every time I tried to reply to a post it would kick me back to the login screen.

I decided to create a new user and picked 3rdGen because I am part of the 3rd Generation in my family to read LL.

Now I've passed that love on to a 4th Generation.

#1, RE: Formerly known as Unknown Sacke
Posted by NoogaStrong on 09-07-23 at 01:46 PM
In response to message #0
I have been here since December of 2002. Otis Tom. I kept having trouble also.

#2, RE: Formerly known as Unknown Sacke
Posted by Preacher on 09-09-23 at 10:36 AM
In response to message #1
I'm also a long time member. I haven't posted in a few years, though I stop by from time to time. I've tried few times to reply and had the same trouble as both of you. So now I'm here under a new handle.

If you remember me at all, I'm Derek.

#3, RE: Formerly known as Unknown Sacke
Posted by NoogaStrong on 09-11-23 at 11:32 AM
In response to message #2
I remember. Good to know you’re here.

#4, RE: Formerly known as Unknown Sacke
Posted by Mik Shaffer on 09-11-23 at 04:32 PM
In response to message #0
Well, thank goodness. I thought it was just me. Changed my handle a couple of times. I know a couple of us old timers have left the planet, but it’s always good to see LL friends…old and new. I am Mik because my ex shortened everyone’s name. Mike became Mik…pronounced Mick, and it sorta stuck.

#5, RE: Formerly known as Unknown Sacke
Posted by NoogaStrong on 09-13-23 at 02:56 PM
In response to message #4
We all remember you! You had some of the best posts on this website over the years.

#6, RE: Formerly known as Unknown Sacke
Posted by 3rdGen on 09-13-23 at 07:10 PM
In response to message #5
I remember all 3 of you.

I've enjoyed reading your posts over the years.

#7, RE: Formerly known as Unknown Sacke
Posted by NoogaStrong on 09-14-23 at 11:04 AM
In response to message #6

#8, RE: Formerly known as Unknown Sacke
Posted by Les Down Under on 09-14-23 at 01:53 PM
In response to message #0
LAST EDITED ON 09-14-23 AT 01:55 PM (Pacific Time)
I must be the lucky one. I've kept the same handle since joining 30 odd years ago

The English Language is weird. It can be understood through tough thorough thought though.

#9, RE: Formerly known as Unknown Sacke
Posted by Sackettter8 on 09-17-23 at 08:48 AM
In response to message #0
Been gone for some time, mostly, for some of the same reasons others have commented on.
I have a new user name and password, so hopefully I can join the gang with posts and comments.
I have to say that I have said this same statement many times through the years, that every time I think I have read the best of L'Amour, here comes another sleeper, 'The Man from the Broken Hills'...I thought I solved the mystery in closing pages, but was I ever wrong.

#10, RE: Formerly known as Unknown Sacke
Posted by 3rdGen on 09-18-23 at 07:31 PM
In response to message #9
I remember you...

I like reading about your cousin Ward