SAMUEL H. WALKER [View all] Re-reading "The First Fast Draw". LL has Cullen mention Samuel Colt inventing the "first successful repeating pistol". LL puts it that Colt designed
The Haunted Mesa and Albert Einstei [View all] I have a question about a comment made in "THM" by the novel's lead character, Mike Raglan. It's on page 151 of the most recent paperback edition wher
Taggart [View all] Finally finished reading Taggart. Good book. One of the few left that I hadn't read yet. I have read Trap of Gold in the past, and it seems like I hav
Hopalong Cassidy [View all] Just finished the first three of LL's Hopalong novels. And, read Beau's afterword to "The Rustlers of West Fork". Obviously I thought LL's Hopalong
Sky Ring Water...Beau. [View all] So I heard this dropped in the introduction of Lost Treasures Volume 2...and I'm intrigued of course!
Beau, can you give us some insight into this n
The Burning Hills [View all] Pleasant surprise. Picked up TBH and read the opening blurb at the front of the book and thought it didn't sound familiar. So, I started reading it a
Jamestown Revival [View all] I have had these guys' Fireside with Louis L'Amour on my Spotify feed for some time now. I have just received the CD from Paul at the trading post an
Tennessee Dave [View all] Where art thou, TD? By the way, this is OtisTom. I had to change my User ID because I couldn’t get website to agree with the password. Easier this way
JAMESTOWN ND [View all] A few years back a group of guys and a lady I rode motorcycles with rode out to Jamestown ND. They have quite a bit of information, in a tourist cont
Hello the fire! [View all] Had to begin again…forgot my sign in stuff.
Not much new to report…last I heard TD was not feeling too well, and haven’t seen anything else…good or
Thank you Louis, and thank you Beau [View all] This will be a little self-indulgent, but given my recent hospital stint with covid pneumonia. I'm feeling sad, relieved, overwhelmed with nostalgia a
It's been a helluva ride [View all] I started reading his westerns around 1976 and read them all, and reread many. His work has been such a constant thread through my life that, honestly
Bored [View all] Whenever I get bored, I call the Best Western Hotel phone number. When they answer "Best Western" I say "True Grit with John Wayne" and then I hang up
Louis L'Amour and the movies [View all] Generally, LL has fared almost as poorly as Stephen King in translation to film. In many cases, the nuts and bolts of their stories are there, but wha
Louis' list of books to read [View all] In an article now many years ago about LL, a side box listed the books Louis thought were essential for a person to read to educate himself/herself. (
Judge Charles P Moore [View all] My grandfather was a Louis L'Amour fan and Louis put his name in one of his books, but I don't know which one. He is an itinerant judge traveling by w
Publishing and branding...Beau! [View all] Having bought LL books you going on forever now, I've always been curious about publisher decisions and cover styles, etc over the years.
About the l
Crossfire Trail [View all] Just finished reading this yesterday, then just now finished the movie. I've read it at some point in the past, and I've seen the movie too, but it's
BEAU L'AMOUR [View all] Beau, I'm trying to find out if The Haunted Mesa was ever out in audio book form whether on CD or Cassette. I read it over 25 years ago and most of h
Desert flash flood [View all] I just saw this video on reddit. It's only a shallow ditch, so only dangerous to bugs and lizards probably, but it reminded me of the times that LL me
DRAIN THE OCEAN [View all] The cable channel National Geographic has a series called "Drain the Oceans". They just aired a really good episode about the Wild West. They had a
Jamestown Revival Fireside with Lou [View all] I have just finished listening to the Podcast of this duo with Beau.
One of the duo made the statement that they imagined their sons being listened to
I've lost track of a short story [View all] In the story a character takes papers to the town's lawyer that prove that the man is the rightful owner of the town. The town's hotel and saloon owne
Jon Tuska [View all] I just read western critic Jon Tuska passed away a few years back. I didn't know.
Jon seemed pretty dismissive of LL's work in general, but I notice
LL and Stephen King...for Beau [View all] In years past I've read Stephen King make a few comments regard LL, always very warm (at least what I've seen).
Did your Dad ever meet or correspond
Writing [View all] Years and years ago I had some poetry published, as had a friend. So he and I decided to try our hand at a novel. When it came my turn I changed the
Plutarch and LL [View all] Seems LL was an admirer of Plutarch, more than a few times favorably mentioned in his books. In Plutarch’s “Lives” and “Moralia”, one has to be highl
Name the LL novel: [View all] Old Man Merridew lifted a skinny arm and pointed it the way his hawk-beak nose was already pointing. “They’s a-comin’,” he said. “There’s the dus