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How do I navigate?
From the lobby, you can enter each forum or conference (depending on your board\'s display option) by clicking on the folder icon or the link to the right of the icon. The same applies for topics page.
Once you are in the topic, meaning the page with the actual messages,
you can see Previous Topic | Next Topic links located above the first message to the right.
Those links will allow you to view the previous and the next topics relative to your current topic as listed in the topics page.
Below the last message in your current topic, you can see the following links -
Conferences | Forums | Topics | Previous Topic | Next Topic. Clicking on the Conferences link will bring you back to the page listing all conferences. Forums will bring you out to the page listing all forums.
Topics will bring you out to the topic listing Previous Topic | Next Topic are identical to the links above.
You can also navigate back by clicking on the links Conferences->Forums-> Topics located in the row below the feature icons(2nd table row from the top).
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