ID | Topic | Author | Last updated date | Replies | Views  |
Help us identify errors, typos, etc Find a misspelling, typo, or glaring error in logic in one of Louis' books? Well this is the place to let us know. We'll compile the list and get it | Paul J ODell | Jan-03-22 07:08 PM by cowboybilliards | 82 | 13386 |
Down Paagumene Way In From the Listening Hills pages 60 to 63
On Page 60 Cowan is tied hand and foot on page 61 when the fight starts he is still tied only gets one han | Les Down Under | Feb-07-17 06:40 PM by Les Down Under | 0 | 48895 |
How the West was Won Typo on page 150 (Leatherette edition) last pages of The War Section.
Zeb has just arrived home and is discussing going west with Jeremiah.
Zeb grinne | Les Down Under | Jan-02-17 11:03 PM by Les Down Under | 0 | 48504 |
Regan of the Slash B The Collected Short Stories Volume 3. Paperback
Regan of the Slash B.
Pg 295
(top of page)
Stripped to the waist....he walked out and handed hi | UnknownSackett | Jan-09-16 02:09 PM by UnknownSackett | 0 | 47944 |
The First Fast Draw Cullen Baker is at his cabin
3 men come up
1. Colonel
2. Joel Reese
3. John Tower
on page 17 of the Louis L'Amour Collection book it says
"What's th | UnknownSackett | Dec-26-15 07:29 PM by UnknownSackett | 0 | 47889 |
Reilly's Luck typos In leatherette edition
page201 Chapter 24
third line reads center; the corwn of her head. Should be crown.
The next sentence reads cut almost like a | Les Down Under | Feb-27-17 09:56 PM by Les Down Under | 0 | 47686 |
This is probably been covered but.. The Daybreakers: Pg 113, folkds should be folks
The Skyliners: Pg 34, Colby.Rafin should be Colby Rafin (without the period)
Mustang Man: Pg 133, ta | cowboybilliards | Feb-20-16 09:42 PM by cowboybilliards | 0 | 47652 |
The Empty Land Typo From leatherette edition Page 17 Chapter three
Second last paragraph reads
After one scramble with rustlers and two Kiowas, he brought the cattle in | Les Down Under | Oct-23-16 04:07 AM by Les Down Under | 0 | 47441 |
Sackett, Echo The Sackett Companion, p. 339: Between Sackett, Daubeny and Sackett, Emily, add "Sackett, Echo 87". P. 337, between Hidden Valley and Highland Bay, | Freeman | Jun-24-14 12:20 AM by SailBoat | 2 | 47311 |
Kilkenny Series In Kilkenny (paperback version on pg. 22), it reads, "The following year they met again in the cedar breaks of New Mexico where Kilkenny had been tryi | bradleyd | May-10-17 03:11 AM by bradleyd | 0 | 47121 |
Lonigan In Authors note The fine art of rustling editorial issue in 3rd paragraph 1st sentence has repeated words out of order and context "were not officiall | Les Down Under | Jun-11-17 06:18 PM by Les Down Under | 0 | 47071 |
Correction to "The Rider of the Rub On page 89, in the leatherette edition of 'The Rider of the Ruby Hills', near the top of the page, Ross says, "I head some shooting". It should be "H | SailBoat | Jul-08-14 12:20 AM by SailBoat | 0 | 46512 |
Milo Talon two typos Leatherette edition
Chapter 11 Page 82 third paragraph
Reads I'd get a good meal and a chance to LAV up for a bit. Should be LAY UP
Chapter 18 page | Les Down Under | Jul-04-17 06:53 PM by Les Down Under | 0 | 45813 |
Sacketts Land High guys
I noticed what I consider a slip on page 128(leatherette edition)Last pages of chapter 16.
Discussion between Barnabas and Abigail where th | Les Down Under | Jun-24-16 08:15 PM by Les Down Under | 0 | 44299 |
Here Ends the Trail In this short story in the leatherette edition of Monument Rock, in "Here Ends the Trail", LL mentions the 'Big Band' area in the third paragraph. I t | SailBoat | May-19-14 03:53 PM by SailBoat | 0 | 44138 |
Chancy Leatherette edition
Editorial issue on page 71.
The last sentence of the third paragraph reads " my hunch was they'd cut out for Cheyenne, spend some | Les Down Under | Jul-22-17 09:03 PM by Les Down Under | 0 | 43505 |
Fair Blows the Wind/To the Far Blue when I very first started reading these novels, not having access to any websites and before I had The Sackett Companion, I always thought of Fair Blo | logansackett | May-22-16 09:02 AM by cowboybilliards | 1 | 42839 |
Jubal Typo on page 302 of the leatherette book Chapter 33
final sentence on the page reads "Ïf a SCARED fire will make you happy. Should be If a SACRED fir | Les Down Under | Jul-12-16 04:44 AM by Les Down Under | 0 | 39894 |
Brionne Editing issue on pages 47 to 50 in Leatherette version (end of Chapter 5)
section opens "At a back table in one of Corrine's nineteen saloons" The su | Les Down Under | Aug-28-17 09:14 PM by Les Down Under | 0 | 15910 |
Taggart Typo
Leatherette edition
Page 13 chapter 2 5th sentence in 8th Paragraph
Reads Taggart dd not mean to be taken (no I in did.)
I am not going to get | Les Down Under | Nov-25-17 09:42 PM by Les Down Under | 0 | 9141 |
Kilrone 1. Page 70 additional spacing needed to denote change of scene between para 2 and 3
"Almost instantly he was sleeping". needs double space before "M | Les Down Under | Dec-03-17 12:35 AM by Les Down Under | 0 | 6704 |
The Man from Skibbereen Page 104 there is a timeline ambiguity.Second to last Paragraph on the page "He's mean, no two ways about it. You'll know this time tomorrow."
This d | Les Down Under | Dec-03-17 09:03 PM by Les Down Under | 0 | 5972 |
Chantry Talon Kilkenny Reading Orde What Paul says is the Kilkenny order is incorrect.
#1 - The Rider of Lost Creek
#2 - The Mountain Valley War
#3 - Kilkenny
In the first #1, he meets | cowboybilliards | May-28-22 11:27 PM by john555 | 1 | 5929 |
Ride the Dark Trail What I consider an error on page 43 (Leatherette) second last line of Chapter five when Logan enters Browns hole.
It opens "I was hunting trouble" my | Les Down Under | Mar-24-21 12:09 AM by cowboybilliards | 1 | 5343 |
Reilly's Luck Time shifting crewman From LT edition.
On page 149 second paragraph opening reluctantly they cast off leaving Paddy Lahey aboard.
The on page 151 7th paragraph( including | Les Down Under | Dec-11-19 12:07 AM by Les Down Under | 0 | 5307 |
Sackett's Land. A possible editorial error.
From Leatherette edition.
page 43 second last paragraph reads "who says the King of Spain will soon send a great fleet aga | Les Down Under | Aug-17-21 10:52 PM by Les Down Under | 0 | 5283 |
HELLER WITH A GUN Something I noticed at the end of Chapter 14. There is a paragraph that starts out "Tom Healy was wonderful." In the next to last sentence in the pa | john555 | Apr-18-21 05:23 PM by cowboybilliards | 1 | 5162 |
Ride the River Typo Leatherette Edition.
Page 93 third Para opens "We ate our Brakfast then, not talking much". S/Be Breakfast.
Isn't making a smoking section in | Les Down Under | Sep-29-19 10:17 PM by Les Down Under | 0 | 5137 |
The Walking Drum Typo
Page 397 (Leatherette Edition)
Second last sentence of chapter 53.
Reads working materials t% t I had seen. Needs "THAT" I had seen.
If yo | Les Down Under | Feb-08-18 11:45 PM by Les Down Under | 0 | 5064 |
Taggart Typo Leatherette Edition page 132 second last paragraph.
He felt his SHIFT being torn open and someone else was tearing his pants leg.
Should read | Les Down Under | Feb-24-18 02:12 AM by Les Down Under | 0 | 5025 |