I started off with Bendigo Shafter, as it had been on my mind recently, as I make the leatherette LL's my own. A book is not really mine until I have read it. Then, I braced myself, and read Brionne. I read it in one sitting, but it was still tough, since my son, who turns thirty next month, lost his wife to cancer two years ago next Thursday, leaving him with a son to raise on his own. (now age 3) He just remarried in October, so I was really looking closely at how LL dealt with the emotional aspects of the story. This has never been one of my go-to books, but I now give him high marks for really laying the groundwork with the characters on the emotional level. Of course, once the action starts, that takes a back burner, but it was more satisfying than I expected, and is helping me through this tough "anniversary" season.