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Just saying hello after a long time away
Good evening my friends! I hope you've all been well! I've missed you. I recently read David Copperfield and didn't much enjoy it so I decided to
dseanmatMar-19-25 04:10 AM
by 10987654321
Hi Everyone
Hi everyone, I think it’s been at least 12 years since my last post. Good to still see a few familiar faces! It’s been a while since I’v
10987654321Mar-09-25 04:28 PM033545
Leatherette Delixe set
Hello, I am new to the group, but have been a fan for many years. I have collected a full set of the leatherette books over the years and I'm curren
Midwest1Mar-08-25 08:10 PM040911
New here
I’m new to these forums and wanted to say hello to all here. It’s a great pleasure to be able to connect with everyone and celebrate Louis Lamour
Ty_BrooksMar-05-25 08:06 AM
by RickAbreu
Louis L amour Old and First Editions.
Hi. I have a collection of Louis's original, used, old, first time in Paperback editions, Also of other Authors. Like JT Edson. Zane Grey. Max Bra
SuseelanJan-14-25 03:58 PM
by fanninman
Beau, I'm a BIG fan of the film. It really captured LL adventure in spirit and has aged really well in these last 20-odd years. It's a reminder of a t
Carcosa2004Jan-07-25 11:13 PM
by blamour
Looking for short story
I used to have a collection online that had a story about a small town lawman who had accidentally shot his best friend,the brother of a girl he was i
ClemallanDec-11-24 03:58 PM
by Suseelan
Book Title Inquiry
Good evening, I read one of a Louis L'Amour's novels while still in high school, in the mid 1970s, that I recall really enjoying for its fast pace
DeaconDec-11-24 03:54 PM
by Suseelan
Name of book
Trying to locate the name of a book for my father. The book was about a widow who writes notes and then lets the wind carry them away and eventually
redbuddy2Dec-11-24 03:49 PM
by Suseelan
Louis L'Amour photo question...
Where can I get a high resolution copy of the LL photo that appeared on the back of the paperbacks from the late 70s to the 90s? The image of him
Carcosa2004Nov-03-24 09:41 PM0125745
The Lonesome Gods
There is a place mentioned in The Lonesome Gods called House Of Ravens it’s just to the southwest of the Salton Sea Bed on the book map. I’m from
IronOrchardOct-15-24 03:20 AM0120838
Beau- HAUNTED MESA follow-up
Hi Beau- I'm following up on a post regarding MESA a bit back, initially about a potential audio book. That lead to a discussion about the problema
Carcosa2004Oct-14-24 02:58 AM0129406
Alert - Fair Blows the Wind
Does anybody know where the mention in FAIR BOLWS THE WIND of the wrecked ship appears? This is the wreck that also shows up in Sackett's Land, the o
blamourOct-04-24 09:37 PM
by Mustang Roberts
Seeking specific story
Greetings folks, Many years ago I read a L’Amour book about a man who had a ranch inside a closed valley. He could access it through a cave. The ranc
JmdycOct-04-24 09:34 PM
by Mustang Roberts
Which book had a mine into a tower
I know I read a book where the main character was mining gold from the base of a tower. He was afraid it would fall the entire time and even paved a p
GorillaOct-04-24 09:30 PM
by Mustang Roberts
Cap Roundree
Coburn Sackett is the father of Tell, Orin, Tyrel, etc. Coburn was a mountain man. Cap Rountree was a mountain man. I wonder if they knew each othe
Mustang RobertsOct-04-24 09:25 PM0128126
Story about Killing a Town?
I have a vague memory of a story by Louis L'Amour that basically talks about "killing a town." As I recall, the town treated someone very inhospitably
lawsonstoneOct-04-24 09:16 PM
by Mustang Roberts
Sackett family
Good morning, I was wondering if anyone has ever read any story or mention of "Packet Sackett". She was a cousin to Em Sackett Talon, mother to Mi
whelminskiOct-02-24 05:03 PM0121886
Beau L'Amour
Hi! Been a big fan of your dad's books for over thirty years or so. I collect paperback covers and orig. paperback artwork. My question is if there
ebrumaginJul-07-24 02:48 PM
by blamour
following Louis' trails
Is anyone interested in following the trails described in his stories? I retired a few years ago and started with Nevada and California. I am thinking
donmac846Jun-22-24 01:38 PM0123707
Need A "Specific" L'Amour Paperback:
This may be an impossible ask or task, but here goes.... Years ago a friend showed me a L'Amour paperback, that had a small section on a gentleman na
rah4736Jun-06-24 05:13 PM
by Paul
Trying to find story or novel
As I recall. A man is sitting in an eating place. A woman is arguing with a different man. She has come west to marry the man but sees him beating his
NrpardeeJun-01-24 04:31 PM
by john555
Flagan & Galloway
Hi, In the book Galloway we read that Flagan and Galloway are from Denney's Gap. I cannot find this place on the map. Anyone on here who knows wher
egilbogMay-12-24 11:50 PM
by Les Down Under
Future Lost Treasures editions?
Beau, are other titles in the pipeline for future Lost Treasures editions? These insights into your father's creativity are wonderful. Would love to
fanninmanApr-05-24 10:53 PM
by fanninman
THE HAUNTED MESA audio....Beau?
I think you had mentioned once that THE HAUNTED MESA was unlikely to get an audio release, and I'm hoping that we could twist your arm to consider oth
Carcosa2004Mar-31-24 01:12 AM
by blamour
I don't want to let go
i guess i am somewhat sentimental. the older i get, the more i think about the past and things gone by, people who are gone. just now a strange thing
milkbanditMar-04-24 09:58 PM
by Carcosa2004
LL movies just found on Tubi streaming service
The Man Called Noon The Treasure of Ruby Hills The Shadow Riders It's been years since I posted on this site, but I thought I'd give ya'll a heads
JIMETMar-01-24 04:23 AM
by NoogaStrong
Make sure you LOG IN to see all old posts.
The forum has been updated and one of the new security aspects means you must LOG IN to be able to see all the posts and replys. Sorry for the cha
Paul J ODellFeb-12-24 09:17 PM
by NoogaStrong
CLICK the little PLUS Symbol (+) to see replies and the...
If you click the little plus symbol you should be able to see the VIEW all replies.
Paul J ODellFeb-12-24 07:46 PM0133035
Old posts gone?
I don't see anything.
milkbanditFeb-12-24 07:42 PM
by Paul J ODell
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