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Looking for title of a particular b
Need help, looking for the title if a Louis L'Amour book I have a vague memory of. I have read just about every book by Louis...a long time ago. Sear
Red Hugh81Jan-03-20 01:05 PM
by Falcon
I waited a bit too late to wish all a happy Thanksgiving but I'll not be late on this one!😁 MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. T
Tennessee DaveJan-02-20 04:28 PM
by dseanmat
Interesting find six novellettes fr
Searching for Magazine stories to add to my collection and found these published last year. If Louis was alive I doubt he would autograph them :7 http
Les Down UnderJan-01-20 01:38 AM
by Les Down Under
'Prayers For New Zealand'
mesadelvadre8Dec-31-19 09:13 PM
by Les Down Under
"Special " LL books
My mother told me yesterday that she came across a LL book that I gave her many years ago. It was 'Galloway'. I spoken about my mother putting her ini
Tennessee DaveDec-28-19 02:48 AM
by Falcon
Our Author selling Whiskey
Check this out, I bought it today. https://www. facebook.com/photo.p hp?fbid=101628220623 95581&set=a.10157863 083885581&type=3&the ater Les Isn't maki
Les Down UnderDec-26-19 09:51 PM
by Les Down Under
Boo Hoo Waah
I have just started the last of my Lost treasures postscript package I bought as my Christmas present from me to me and have just finished Beaus posts
Les Down UnderDec-26-19 02:54 AM
by Les Down Under
'Louis L'Amour in a foreign languag
Belong to a fan club which constantly has illustrated covers in another language... Mostly Finnish and a few others... Does the trading post
mesadelvadre8Dec-22-19 04:57 PM
by Paul
Writers and writers
I've read about several writers and the one thing I've found they have in common is that they all have lived interesting lives. Louis L'Amour certainl
Tennessee DaveDec-14-19 09:25 PM
by Mike Shaffer
Hey Les
I was just watching Pete Watson and his crew talking about the volcano erupting. Sorry for all the folks missing, and also your NZ people. It's a ter
Tennessee DaveDec-11-19 01:11 PM
by mesadelvadre8
Reading currently
The Walking Drum for the first time - excellent ********* ******************** ********* Shoot Low, Boys--They're Ridin' Shetland Ponies
DocKatyDec-11-19 01:10 PM
by mesadelvadre8
What are you reading?
I've just finished reading the novel Andersonville by MacKinlay Kantor, about the infamous Civil War prison for Union soldiers. Best book I've read i
ChrisEnglandDec-09-19 05:26 PM
by mesadelvadre8
Two of this year's movies ...
If you are interested in the life and times of Louis L'Amour and his family there are two good films out this year that touch on the environment that
blamourDec-05-19 01:11 PM
by blamour
I've got to say it!
Paul is at his best, my Christmas package of 7 Lost treasures Postscripts and LT Volume 2 arrived bang on time (12 days after posting to New Zealand).
Les Down UnderDec-01-19 06:45 PM
by Les Down Under
Happy Thanksgiving
To everyone! ☺☺☺ ;
Tennessee DaveNov-30-19 03:20 PM
by Derek
My holiday reading sorted.
Lost Treasures Volume 2 and the last seven LT postscript editions arrived in my mail this morning :7. Saving titles and buying as a package gives me
Les Down UnderNov-28-19 02:31 AM
by Les Down Under
New cover art for Last of the Breed
WOW! Anyone seen it? It captures what for me was the most vivid, exciting moment in the novel. Dan Mathews, Torrington, CT
dseanmatNov-27-19 09:31 PM
by blamour
YONDERING question for Beau...
Seems like I only post about YONDERING... Beau, given the development of of this book over the years, what was the rational of including MOON OF THE
CarcosaNov-26-19 01:34 AM
by blamour
Trail to the Seven Pines book
I am in search of the leather bound (not leatherette) with the gold leafing on the edges of the pages Trail to the Seven Pines book. I want to make my
aeparrish76Nov-16-19 02:19 AM
by Les Down Under
sackett brand
anyone know what the Sackett cattle cow brand was?
wahudad1Nov-15-19 06:43 PM
by Les Down Under
Howdy the Camp, Does anyone know of which LL book mentions the "Rabbit Ears" natural formation? {Hills, Mountains, or Stone formations} I t
SailBoatNov-09-19 03:34 AM
by Tennessee Dave
Help me find this story
I vaguely remember reading a story, I think it was Louis L'Amour, where the characters rode thru a creek (maybe even a waterfall) to a hidden spot. Th
UnknownSackettNov-06-19 04:12 PM
by mesadelvadre8
Books related to The Haunted Mesa/C
I need some help/guidance from those that may know. I am in search for books wrote by the great L’Amour relating to other worlds/dimensions/re alms.
GasolineheadNov-06-19 02:36 PM
by blamour
The Mountain Valley War
Howdy, fellow campfire denizens! I just finished Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment (speaking of "punishment...!") and subsequently picked up the las
dseanmatNov-06-19 01:47 PM
by mesadelvadre8
Need to stay off E-bay
Smoke From This Altar Hand Signed Louis L'Amour 1939 1st Edition Hard Back Book. Just won this this afternoon slightly dearer than my copy of the Leat
Les Down UnderNov-05-19 06:47 PM
by Les Down Under
'Louis L'Amour'
Was at a local restraint, finishing my meal with a piece of pumpkin pie and a cup of black coffee... As I glared into my coffee cup, I thoug
mesadelvadre8Nov-03-19 04:43 PM
by Tennessee Dave
'Short Story'
Does anyone on the forum know of a short story called; 'Dead Ringer'? Possibly a short version of 'Riders of the lost creek' ???
mesadelvadre8Nov-02-19 03:52 PM
by mesadelvadre8
Comments on "Tucker"
Started reading Tucker again and I just noticed something, LL wrote about normal happenings of a person's life and mental workings. For example, on th
Tennessee DaveOct-27-19 05:23 PM
by Tennessee Dave
More for my collection.
My copy of Colliers from July 52 arrived this morning. It has the original "Gift of Cochise" story. Les Isn't making a smoking section in a restau
Les Down UnderOct-17-19 01:04 AM
by Les Down Under
No Traveller Returns
I bought the paperback at Wal Mart in Vidalia, LA last week. Read the first few pages sitting directly across the River from Natchez Under the Hill.
UnknownSackettOct-10-19 12:25 AM
by UnknownSackett
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