Beau L'Amour's Answers
To Questions From
FaceBook Fans

For 48 hours, we opened up the lines at the official Louis L'Amour Facebook page ( to questions about anything and everything. The results have been fantastic and now . . . Beau undertakes the process of wrangling the issues into bite sized morsels of informational goodness!

Alright! The first set of questions about Sequels, Unfinished Works and Other Writers is in the vault! If you missed the answer you can find it HERE. We will link all of pages as they are released so you can easily find any you might have missed.

Now, on to the next subject . . .

Louis L'Amour Audio Books
Single Voice & Dramatized

Beau L'Amour:           

            There are two kinds of Louis L’Amour Audio programs.  first there are what we call single voice readings, one actor reading Louis’s book or an abridged version of it.  We are adding to the list of these “Audio Books” at the rate of two or four new titles a year.  There may be one or two we will not do but, for the most part, the current Random House plan is to just keep going until we’ve got all or most of them completed.

Play an excerpt from How the West Was Won, read by Joe Morton 

Just a sample of the amazingly talented readers bringing
to life Louis' unabridged audio books!


            The other programs we do are the Audio Dramas.  When Bantam Audio Publishing was started, Louis was instrumental in creating the concept of doing some of his short stories in the style of Classic Radio Dramas.  The stories are adapted into scripts, a cast of actors is hired (I believe our smallest cast was 5 and our largest, so far, was 26) and the scenes are recorded and sound effects and music are added.  They are a great deal of fun!  Our first show (Unguarded Moment) was done in 1986 and the most recent is The Diamond of Jeru) right now.

Play an excerpt from the Audio Drama SON OF A WANTED MAN 

            The best sounding version of these programs is on CD but you can also buy downloads from or itunes.  However, my recommendation would be to get your downloads from our website.  Because we produce many of the L’Amour Audios “in house” we can offer a much higher resolution MP3 than any other service. For more on our MP3 process click HERE.

            I love working on the Audio Dramas.  I got very frustrated working in the movie business and Audio has let me write and act and direct and all sorts of other stuff.  On top of that, it lets me and my good friend Paul O’Dell (who also is our webmaster and runs the Louis L’Amour Trading Post) get out of our offices and do all sorts of crazy things like drive tanks and stage coaches (okay, okay, ride around in tanks and stage coaches) and play with canoes and horses and stuff.  We love working with actors and doing all the technical stuff like recording and mixing so it’s a welcome change for us.

Okay, question number TWO is "in the can!" And how appropriate is that because the NEXT question is all about The Movies! Stay tuned as this epic adventure continues!

Audio Book titles available and more about each type of audio, click here
Louis' Novels, Short Story Collections, Movies and more, click here
The Sackett Novels, titles and series description, click here
Answers to other Frequently Asked Questions in our FAQ: click here
Our official web site for all your Louis L'Amour products and needs, and questions
A web site dedicated to the adventure stories and travels of Louis L'Amour