A Word About eBooks
We've been working hard to bring you Louis' books in every format available. Because of certain restrictions on the distribution of digital eBooks, we cannot directly sell Louis' books to you in this format. So, we've affiliated with three of the largest sellers of eBooks to bring them to you.
By clicking our links to purchase eBooks, you are helping our efforts to maintain the LouisLAmour.com web site and community! We appreciate your support!
Frequently Asked eBook Questions:
What eBook formats do you recommend?
By clicking one of the links above for ALL your eBook needs, or any of the links we have placed on the description pages for each individual title, you will be helping support LouisLAmour.com. Thank You!
What is an eBook?
An eBook is a book delivered as an electronic file. eBooks can be read on mobile phones, PDAs, PCs, laptops, tablets, Blackberries, or dedicated eBook devices. Once eBooks are purchased, they can be downloaded immediately, providing consumers quick and easy access to their favorite titles.
Where can I get an eBook reader?
Here we have linkes for each of the different devices available for reading your ebooks. By clicking through these links to purchase your device you are helping support LouisLAmour.com - Thank You!
Apple iPads | B&N Nooks | Amazon Kindles
How do I read my eBook if I don't have a dedicated reader device?
You can read your eBook on many different devices including a dedicated eBook reader, your PC or MAC, iPad, iPhone, and Android tablet and on most modern phones.We have partnered with three of the largest eBook sellers each of which has their own preferred eBook format and dedicated readers available but all of them offer software which will allow you to read your eBooks on many compatable devices. Check with the seller for more information on how to download and install the reader software onto your computer or other device.
Apple iBook Reader | B&N Nook Reader | Amazon Kindle Reader
Can I loan, print or give my eBook to a friend?
In order to protect the copyrights, digital eBooks are encrypted and protected from copying, printing or reproduction. This guarantees that you are getting authorized editions and helps keep authors writing and publishers publishing!
What is this DRM I keep hearing about?
DRM stands for Digital Rights Management. DRM is the method of encrypting the eBook files and managing your library of titles in order to ensure that your eBooks are safe from illegal copying. Each company has a slightly different way of mainting your digital rights and you can find out more about how each works on their respective web sites.
Can I return an eBook?
Because of the nature of Digital products, eBooks are sold on a non-returnable basis. However, we recognize there may be technical problems that could prevent you from downloading your eBooks successfully. These issues are best handled by the eBook seller and you should contact them directly for technical assistance.
How do I choose which "Type" of eBook to buy ~OR~ Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Apple iBook?
If you already have an eBook reader you are probably not asking this question. Each of the sellers has their own preferred device which will read all of the eBooks they sell. For Amazon it is the Kindle, Barnes and Noble has the Nook, and Apple iBooks work on any MAC computer, iPad or iPhone. So if you are using one of the listed devices, you probably want to purchase from the company the supports that device directly. That being said, each company offers software that will allow you read your eBooks on many different devices. Check with the seller for details on which computers and devices they support and how to download and install the necessary software before purchasing.
Who do I call for help?
I will do my best to help you where I can, however, for most questions regarding each of the companies devices or software you will need to contact them directly.