Lonely On The Mountain

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Read by David Strathairn
6 Hours on 5 CDs
One of the outstanding narratives of our time, the chronicle
of the Sackett family is one of the great achievements of one
of our finest storytellers. In Lonely on the
Mountain, Louis L'Amour's solitary, wandering Sackett
brothers make a stand together-to save one of their own.
The rare letters Tell Sackett received always had trouble
inside. And the terse note from his cousin Logan was no
exception. Logan faced starvation or a hanging if Tell
couldn't drive a herd of cattle from Kansas to British
Columbia before winter. To get to Logan, he must brave
prairie fires, buffalo stampedes, and Sioux war parties. But
worse trouble waits, for a mysterious enemy shadows Sackett's
every move across the Dakotas and the
Canadian Rockies.
Tell Sackett has never abandoned another Sackett in need. He
will bring aid to Logan-or die trying.
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