are scores of Louis L'Amour titles available as audio
recordings in many formats. We can offer you hundreds of hours
of listening enjoyment.

We sell our Audio Publishing products in several different formats but that world is rapidly changing. Cassettes are becoming a thing of the past. Downloadable MP3s are more and more popular and can be purchased here. CDs are the most popular audio format and offer the highest sound quality.
The packaging of our CDs is changing. For many of our titles we are in a transition from selling "two packs" to "three packs." We recognize this makes assembling an entire collection difficult for some customers and we apologize . . . it is a decision that the publisher has made to cater to their customers (the retail stores). Without good relationships with book stores and places like Wal Mart many of these audio titles would go out of print.
In addition to CD's and Cassettes, we are now offering many titles as Downloadable MP3's. We have created the highest resolution MP3 files that offer clarity of sound along with reasonable compression to make downloads easy and less time consuming while preserving the audio integrity of the programs in order to provide you with absolutely the best listening experience! For more information about the MP3 Audio Books offered here at LouisLAmour.com CLICK HERE.
Actors/Narrators - We've used a wonderfully interesting list of Stage and Screen personalities in our productions. More Info...
CLICK HERE for a list of all the SACKETT Unabridged Audios!