More Brains Than Bullets & The Road to Casa Piedras

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Audio Drama
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Two CDs, 2 hours

This collection includes:

From the Short Story Collection "Bowdrie"More Brains Than Bullets

Banker Tom Lindsay made a bad decision when he decided to do business with Ross Yerby. Yerby convinced Tom to print a few extra greenbacks to help him trade some cattle in exchange for half the profit. What Tom hadn't figured into the equation was Ross losing the money, and returning -- desperate -- for more. An argument between the two men goes bad, Lindsay is killed, and Yerby flees with a bundle of Lindsay's cash in tow.

With no witnesses to the robbery turned murder, the first accusing finger is pointed at Lindsay's assistant Bill Culver, who's conveniently absent when Lindsay's body is discovered. But Texas Ranger Chick Bowdrie, who's just arrived in town on a different matter, decides to take a detour and try to find Lindsay's killer. What he finds is a second victim -- but this one's still alive.

From the short story collection "Bowdrie's Law"The Road to Casa Piedras
In the midst of a lively country dance, gunshots ring out at the stagecoach station and Texas Ranger Chick Bowdrie finds the station's master sprawled in a pool of his own blood. Twelve thousand dollars are missing. And an innocent man has been murdered. And it's up to Chick to bring the killer to justice. With the unerring instincts that make him one of the best trackers in the Texas Rangers, Chick locates the killer's camp--and his lifeless body, courtesy of a double-crossing accomplice. But the bloodshed won't end unless Chick can stop the mastermind behind the robbery, an unlikely schemer whose greed makes good men bad--and careless men dead.
